Goodbye Miss Morocco, a non-fiction story, was re-published in Impspired Volume Nine in October.
Unlikely as it might seem, I was once engaged to the reigning Miss Morocco. It’s a story I like to tell whenever I’m given the opportunity. I usually open by saying — a little ungallantly — that the competition hadn’t been staged for several years. Nonetheless, being once engaged to the reigning Miss Morocco isn’t something everyone can claim. What’s more — most improbably — it has the merit of being true. Or that was what I believed at the time.
There wasn’t any doubt that Lucette was the reigning Miss Morocco. She had the proof. Sitting in the candlelight, side by side, on the narrow bed in my barely-furnished room in the Passage Lacépède, we leafed through her album of photographs with a certain reverence. Sparkling tiaras, shining smiles, stilettos and swimsuits.
Whether or not we were ever engaged is a little more ambiguous ...
♦ Impspired Magazine Volume Nine can be purchased at Amazon